Cosmic Delirium
Cosmic Delirium is a work in progress sci-fi TTRPG being developed by a small Serbian team of 3 demented folks, 2 of which decided to start a podcast. Join V and Cross as they proceed to talk about all things sci-fi be they shows, books, movies, concepts, and even half-baked scientific ideas that would make anyone with a shred of knowledge in the natural sciences cringe themselves into an early grave.
Cosmic Delirium
#20 - Student Absolutely Destroys Religious Practitioner (VIOLENT)
Mark & V
Season 2
Episode 2
They boys sit down and share stories of their favorite (and least favorite) teachers, how a young boy named Chaos kept his high school in check, childhood, and an old friend of Cross's whose soyboy behavior makes him go on a 20 minute rant about cucked pessimists.
Happy New Year everyone, we love you all, and we thank you for your generous support.
CD Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cosmicdeliriumofficial/
CD Podcast: https://cosmicdelirium.buzzsprout.com/
CD Website: https://www.cosmicdelirium.com/
Danny DeVito’s WIKI page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danny_DeVito