Cosmic Delirium
Cosmic Delirium is a work in progress sci-fi TTRPG being developed by a small Serbian team of 3 demented folks, 2 of which decided to start a podcast. Join V and Cross as they proceed to talk about all things sci-fi be they shows, books, movies, concepts, and even half-baked scientific ideas that would make anyone with a shred of knowledge in the natural sciences cringe themselves into an early grave.
Cosmic Delirium
#17 - The World Wars pt. 1 (ft. K & Lazar)
Mark & V
Season 1
Episode 17
Cross is joined by two of his friends who have a disturbing fascination with WW1 weapons and the overall bloody history of humankind to talk about the Balkan Wars, what led to WW1, and in how many ways exactly did people manage to die in this horrendous yet inevitable war.
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